Living in California, we don't get the four season's. Where I live,
it doesn't even snow-- ever. I'd have to drive 3 hours away to feel
snow if I had to. It does get a little chilly, but not to where I'd
need ear muffs, actual warm scarfs ( not jsut for fashion), and long
pants. I have been dying to buy an outfit I can wear a cute pair of
tights, my boots, and some tweed shorts with a blouse and cardigan.
Here is what I am looking for :
I personally think its darling', but what do I know? What do you think? I'm not much of a genius when it comes to fashion. Any styling tips for me?
Where can I buy these babies for cheap ish?
I need to get a personal styler-- pronto!
I have totally tried to pull off this outfit but with jean shorts and I always feel like I'm doing it wrong! If you find that personal; shopper, send her my way ;)
Holly Foxen Wells