Sure, a long phone call to mom would be nice, but why not give her something she will LOVE and remember for years later. If your mom is like mine, she still wears the same gold bracelet she wore years ago. So I decided to purchase something similar for her while adding some emerald green to the plain-jane gold bracelet.
If you are looking to go the classic route, a nice bouquet of flowers is always readily available! My favorites are tulips, because they come in many colors and are a nice change from regular roses. I love how vibrant they are!
If you're looking to pamper your mom this Mother's Day, A nice spa gift card or spa set would be a fabulous choice! Who doesn't love a good pampering?
Check out Groupon for some great deals in your local area. If you live in the OC area check out the OC groupons available.
Have a mom with a green thumb? Then she is sure to love a thoughtful, herb garden set. She can set it in her kitchen window and watch it grow. How thoughtful of you!
Gift Lotions and soaps are always a wonderful gift for your adoring mother. After all, she raised you and took care of you since the day you were born! What a great way to give back to her and show your appreciation!
Another great and simple gift idea is a personalized photo frame.
Who wouldn't love something from the heart?
lots of great ideas here! i'm still trying to think of what to get for my mom. she loves gardening so i'm thinking something along those lines... thanks for stopping by my blog - following you back!